
水曜(英語)サファイアクラス 指導ワッシャー(鷲野礼奈)




Door in the heart 、please try to memorize it.  If you could say it by yourself, that would be great.

Door in the heart は、英語でも、1人で全部言えるように覚えてしまいましょう。


We did almost the same choreography as last week for the bar lessons. We are doing basics. If you get used to it, please try to do it more beautiful. Like every time you want to point your toe really hard or stretch your knees and turn out your legs… There are so many things that you have to care about. Please keep practicing!





We did stretching and muscle training hard. If you work really hard only on the stretch test day, that would be nothing. You want to keep working constantly. Then you will be better easily. I can tell the same thing for the work out.




At center lesson, we did Waltz and Pas de bourre conbination, Pas de chat, Pique and Passé, Grand here.

For Grand jete, you want to lift your front leg up like climbing a mountain. And also you need to head up. If you look at down , you can’t jump high.


センターでは、ワルツとパドブレ のコンビネーション、パディシャ 、ピケパセ、グランジュテ、を行いました。




See you next week!

