東京都渋谷区広尾5-11-11 福地ビル1F
[ 03-5795-0132 ]
It was a small class today and I started to do some new combination for barre work.
[At barre work]
For tendu, shift your weight as quickly as you can.
For dégagé (other word: jeté), listen to the music very carefully. Preparation 7, 8 and on “and”, shoot your foot out and close it on “one”.
And also shift your weight as quickly as possible.
For développé, when you extend your leg from passé, do it from your heel.
Meaning heel forward as you move through every position.
For grand battement, throw your leg higher and quickly but when you bring it back to the floor, control yourself and don’t make any sounds.
[At center work]
Keep your body up and straight. There’s no barre, so you have to have a strong and square upper body. Don’t make an earthquake! Stand straight!
Stay warm and keep stretching and practicing at home!
See you next Wednesday!