February 17th(Fri.)English Ruby Class(金曜英語ルビークラス・3~6才・クラシックバレエ・歌・お話創り・読み聞かせ)

English Ruby  Class ~Instructor:Washino Rena , assistant: Itohara Satomi

It was a beautiful weather almost like a spring today. I was excited coming to the studio with wondering what book can we read or what kind of story can we make??

Today Shiori chan came from other ruby class. It was a first time to come to English class for her so she looked little nervous. But we do almost same as other ruby class, and the assistant helps in English, so she showed her smile at the end.

At stretching time, Lily took the center to do the stretch with the motivation! Good energy! Rui kun came little late but he did stretching so hard. Now he can be patient if it’s little painful. I’m so glad that you guys are getting better.









At a bar lesson, it’s getting smooth. Hime chan who is the youngest girl, sits and watch what elders do. It’s good for learning, and also for elders it’s a good learn.








At the floor lesson, I made 3 pairs. Rui kun and Hime chan got together, I asked Rui kun to be gentleman. He became a perfect gentleman !
We have started learning new steps. Rika chan have not known about this step yet but she worked hard and she made it!









We sang Humpty Dumpty.I know it’s difficult but you are trying so hard. You have no confidence yet so your mouth opened small… but we will try to sing in front of friends next week.

We read “Dream Friend”. This huge friend looks like a bear or a big dog, we named him “Leo”. I hope you can meet Leo in your dream too!

So what is going to happen next lesson !?
I’m looking forward to it!
