April 7th(Fri.)English Ruby Class(金曜英語ルビークラス・3~6才・クラシックバレエ・歌・お話創り・読み聞かせ)

English Ruby  Class ~Instructor:Washino Rena , assistant: Itohara Satomi

今日から新学期スタートです!桜が綺麗に咲いていて、気分もあがります☆ベラちゃん、スタジオに入るなり”サクラっ!” とハイテンションでおっしゃいました。スタジオ内の桜も華やかに咲いています。
The new season has begun . Cherry blossoms are in bloom beautifully and I’m so excited. Vera chan was also excited about it and she screamed when she found cherry tree in the studio.




We have a new friend, Reina chan joining to Friday Ruby class from today. There are so many thing that you don’t know off course, but I will not leave you so join us without fears.
We don’t have the recital, so we can spend the time for practicing the bar lesson, steps, singing, and the story making. You will learn English as well little by little if you keep listening to the same phrases. When I learned English, I did like that.

At the stretching time, we checked the side right and left. I want them to know it even it’s in English. When I asked it, Hime chan answered actively!



At the bar lesson, we had a new friend so we picked few movement and did them slowly.
I’d like them to become comfortable little by little.



We did only pas du burre, marching, and skipping train at the floor lesson. For the pas du burre, the elder girls are getting better! The younger girls, you will practice and become beautiful.
For the marching, we only walked, but it’s not just a walk. You have to bring your knees higher.



お歌の時間、今日は”Head shoulders knees and toes”を歌いました。早く歌ったり、ゆーっくり歌ったりしました。
We sang “Head shoulders knees and toes” today. We sang sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly.



ご本は、”Yum Yum” と “A happy day” を読みました。食べ物の名前や、動物の名前は、英語でもみなさん大丈夫ですね(^^)
We read “Yum Yum” and “A happy day”. You know a lot of names of foods and animals. That’s very good



We made a story at the end of the class. We became hamsters, went to the river and swam. We also went to the flower garden and made a tiara by flower…. Then we became princess. We found some animals, especially the baby lion made them scared. But we brought the baby back to his dad and mom safely.

I’m looking forward to seeing you next week!
