
水曜英語サファイアクラス 指導ワッシャー(鷲野礼奈)





A day before yesterday we had a big rehearsal. It was almost like a run through. You  saw what the others do.

We will try to be much better than last time. So we practiced a lot today.




I’ve been telling same thing over and over again up until today. But you have never kept the level. What happens to you?

You need to stretch your fingers, point your toes, pull your head up… Please keep doing those things. And once you get that level, you don’t want to go down any more.








Of course there are more than few things you got better. The shape of passé, assemble and others are getting better.

That’s why you will stand out in bad way if you lose the timing, move your body slightly, scratch your face, look around when you suppose to do the same thing with other girls.Please think about the picture of this dance piece and think about others and then dance happily.

That’s the most difficult part of dancing ballet. At the same time it’s also fun part.This is an immeasurable sense of accomplishment.

I will never give up and I will lead you until the recital day.




We will have a run through at big place. We will show this to stage staff. Stay calm and concentrate to what you have to do.


See you then!

