
水曜サファイアクラス~指導:Rino Kamimura


Great job today!


Today, I took some time to correct your

1) retiré (passé): turn out your both legs, straight your standing leg, point your toe and only your pinky is touching above your knee


2) spotting when you turn: find the spot and look at it quickly when you turn


3) pirouette: straight your standing leg, when you plié, open arms and close quickly when you turn


4) piqué turn: look where you go and use arms


5) assemblée: when your feet are off from the floor, straight your knees and point your toes


6) sissonnes: jump at the same time and land separately. Upper body is square

Please practice at home. But you all were doing great and better than last week! 😀


Next Wednesday there is no class because of the holiday, so see you in two weeks!

The next class, it’s Parent’s Day, so we will do stretch test on the 24th of November.


We will work on jumping more in November.

See you next time!




でもみなさん、先週より良くなっていましたよ! 😀


1)ルティレ(パッセ): 両方の脚をターンアウトして、軸足は真っ直ぐ、曲げている足は爪先を伸ばして足の小指だけがおひざの上に付いている状態

2)回る時のスポット: 回る時に早くスポットを決めて回る

3)ピルエット: 軸足まっすぐ、プリエをする時に腕を広げて回る時に素早くその腕を閉じる

4)ピケ・ターン: 行く方向を見て、腕を使う

5)アッサンブレ: 脚が床から離れたらすぐおひざと爪先は伸ばす

6)シソンヌ: 両脚同時にジャンプして、降りる時は別々。上半身はスクエアを保つ









